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Sajos is a modern and architecturally remarkable real estate. The buildings construction work was completed in January 2012 and the house opened for public on the 9th of January.    

The winner of the architecture design competition was HALO architects from Oulu. HALO was also responsible of furnishing the interiors. The head designer was Janne Pihlajaniemi from the Oulu-based Architect office m3. Architect students Tuomas Niemelä, Milla Parkkali and architect Janne Laukka were also part of the designer group.

The star-shaped building gets its inspiration from Sámi handicrafts: the floor plan resembles a reindeer skin or a Sámi men’s headgear depending on the viewer. Different operations are divided between the different points of the stars. In the middle of the oval-shaped parliament hall and the auditorium lies the lobby.

The use of wood expresses the Sámi culture, and all the wood can be found from the area. The upper holstery is spruce, while the inner walls of the great halls are birch and the outer walls special kind of fire-resistant pine. Lower ceilings and part of the lobby walls consist of wooden magnesite panel. The panels work as acoustic surfaces and their roughness brings a feeling of material in to the inner space. The floor is made of concrete as well as the body of the whole building.

The designing of the structural elements is made by Ramboll Finland Oy Oulu and Jyväskylä offices.


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The name Sajos came up through a competition. The word Sajos is Inari Sámi and means a place where people camp for a longer time. An Inari-based Sámi artist Merja-Aletta Ranttila designed a stamp for Sajos. Its four motives were carried out by graphic designer Markku Virtanen.

Art in Sajos

Artist Marja Helander has contributed her multi-pieced artwork Tunturissa (In the Fjells) and Niin kaikki kukoistaa (How everything blossoms) in the lobby of Sajos and in the Sámi library. On the wall of the parliament hall is the magnificent relief Eatnu-Eadni-Eana (Stream-Mother-Ground) by Outi Pieski.

The Environment

Sajos is an ecologically efficient building with a low energy consumption. The usage of renewable energy, efficient thermal insulation and a comprehensive recycling system are all things we invest in.

Source: Janne Laukka/ Marjo Tiirikka ”Sajos on oman kulttuurin talo”. Kontrahti 1/2012.